Needed: Valentine’s Day Cards & Candy Donations






We need your help celebrating Valentine’s Day!

Ms. Czaplinski has requested donations of candy and cards through February 7. These will be provided for students to fill out to share with friends and teachers during the week of February 10-14. Sign up to donate here.

Drop donations at the front office, directed to Ms. Czaplinski. Thank you for your continuing support of the LASA community!

Raptor Library Book Fair helpers needed

The Raptor Library BookPeople book fair is right around the corner and Ms. Switek would love to have some help setting it up and running it. The fair will run from 2/1-2/9. Please check out the SignUpGenius if you have some time and energy to spare!

This is a fun event that the kids look forward to! It’s also the only fundraiser the library holds and very important to add books to our library. When we moved to this campus AISD chose to fund a librarian but not to provide the library with a single book. Ms. Switek brought a few thousand very old books with us from the old campus and has been trying to build a collection ever since.

Thank you!

Bring Your Parent to School Days (BYPTSD)

This year, BYPTSD will be held on September 18th (Regular A Day) and 19th (Regular B Day). As one of LASA’s cherished traditions, I encourage everyone who can adjust their schedule to attend one or both days. Parents will gather in the library before school and then join their student’s classes. There are no changes to the class periods for these days; whatever the teacher has planned will proceed as usual. Your experience will be entirely authentic, allowing you to sit through a lecture or discussion, participate in a debate, or even take a quiz/test. Please be open to all these experiences and enjoy the day as a LASA student – you can attend one class or all day (either day or both) – that’s up to you!

Here are some more reminders for you:
– Badges will be printed ahead of time for those who pre-registered or as you arrive for those who make the last-minute decision to attend.
Pre-registration will close on Monday, September 16th, to allow us time to print the badges. If you don’t pre-register, you can still attend and check in at the office to get your badge. Pre-registering just helps save time!
– You are welcome to arrive and leave as your schedule permits; however, to maintain the natural flow of the class and avoid distractions, we kindly ask that you enter at the beginning of the period and leave at the end of the period. The bell schedule is here:
– If you have pre-registered and are arriving for the first class of the day (either 1st or 5th period), please check in at the table located in the main hallway near the front office. For arrivals at any other time during the day, go to the front office to either:
1. Pick up your pre-printed badge if you have pre-registered or
2. Show your Driver’s License/ID to have a badge printed.
– Schedule: Please ensure you have a screenshot of your student’s schedule, which should include the class name, teacher, and room number. Note that course lists will not be printed.
– PARKING – is always limited at LASA. Additional details will be provided soon.
– Please set your cell phone to silent or vibrate. If you need to take a call during a class period, feel free to step out into the hallway.
– All grade levels are welcome! The Junior and Senior classes are especially worth visiting—you’ll feel smarter after just one period!
– Don’t let your child discourage you from coming. This is your decision, not theirs. If they are truly uncomfortable with you visiting their class, consider attending the same class during a different period. We can help arrange this for you.
– Parents can bring their own lunch or purchase one from the cafeteria. You may eat with your student or in the designated room with other parents.
– If you want to volunteer for BYPTS Days from 7:30 am – 8:15 am, please register here to volunteer.

Don’t miss this is a wonderful opportunity to get a glimpse into your student’s daily experience.
We hope to see you there!

Earn Service Hours Supporting the LASA Band!

The LASA Band is hosting and performing in the Capital City Marching Festival at Burger Center on Saturday, September 28th. Cap City is a fundraiser for the LASA Band and needs volunteers! The festival is completely volunteer organized and a great opportunity to earn service hours. Enjoy some amazing band performances as well! Those interested in volunteering can sign up here

NHS Sponsored Hours Opportunity

Teachers will be starting back soon which brings us to two sponsored hours opportunities for NHS members. You will find the details below.

LASA HS – August 8th & 16th

Come help LASA teachers and staff put the school together before the school year starts. Both days students can come from between 9am and 3pm to get however many hours they would like. Make sure to check in with Ms. Pettigrew and/or an officer in room 304 to get assigned to a teacher or staff member.

Blanton Elementary – August 7th – August 19th

Ms. Ruiz, Assistant Principal for Blanton Elementary, has requested our help in getting their school ready for the school year. The shifts are below and you will check in in the office. If you are planning on helping out please fill out this google form for Ms. Ruiz.

  • August 7th – 1-4pm
  • August 8th – 8am-12pm, 1-4pm
  • August 12th – 1-4pm
  • August 16th – 8am-12pm, 1-4pm
  • August 19th – 8am-12pm, 1-4pm