How do you pronounce PFLASA?
Honestly, we don’t care! We welcome your participation however you say our name. The two most popular versions are “P” “F” LASA and “P” “FLASA.” Less common is the “Pflugerville” way that would make us “FLASA” but we will happily take your money, time, or donations however you say our name.
What is the history of PFLASA?
Although there is a long history of parent involvement with and support of LASA since its early days, PFLASA as a distinct non-profit organization was formed in 2014. Since that time, the activities and responsibilities of the organization have fluctuated and grown with changing circumstances. In the summer of 2021, LASA moved to its own campus, and now occupies a set of buildings that previously housed several schools, including Johnston High School. With this move, came the decision to create two service branches: PFLASA and PTSA.
Why aren’t you a PTA?
LASA has a PTSA!! Please also join PTSA here which does have a small fee and an application. PTSA at LASA focuses on advocacy outside the LASA population and campus. We need that advocacy that focuses on funding on a district, state, and national levels but that’s not what PFLASA does. PFLASA encourages your student and your family to become PTSA members. Every voice counts!
What does PFLASA do?
PFLASA supports LASA in a variety of ways but we try to focus on community, communication, and cash. To build community, PFLASA hosts and supports events like teacher and staff appreciation meals. We host “Bring Your Parents to School Day,” community lectures and coffees. PFLASA helps with recruitment activities to assist potential new students and parents in learning about the school and its programs. PFLASA has a mentoring program to help students with the application process. We also support celebratory events like Coffeehouse (our annual showcase of student talent) and Project Graduation (our safe alternative to traditional graduation night parties). There’s more but as much as we like to party that’s not all we do!
What kinds of things does PFLASA NOT do?
We do not make staffing or administrative decisions. We don’t hire or fire anyone (well except the tutors but that’s it and even those decisions made with the input and blessing of the administration). No AISD employee reports to us. We don’t control any AISD money or budgeting. We don’t buy flags for Colorguard because we do not support individual activities, clubs or sports (many have their own booster clubs) although we are happy to cheer them on. PFLASA exists to support LASA, the school and the entire LASA community.
How does PFLASA operate?
We are a strictly volunteer organization. We have a small board of directors that handles planning for the organization, budgeting, approving expenditures, and recruiting volunteers for various needs. We form committees led by and composed of parent volunteers to run specific events and manage on-going duties. We welcome volunteers at any time.
How can I get involved?
There are many ways to connect with PFLASA. Attend our bi-weekly meetings (find scheduled meetings here) and read posts on the PFLASA Facebook page and in our weekly Raptor Report (formerly Lots of LASA or LOL) newsletter to learn about what’s going on and where volunteers are needed. You can also check out upcoming events and opportunities to sign up to help here. You can also email a committee member or member of the board directly. You can fill out a volunteer interest form here. A listing of committees is available here.