XOXO, Your PTSA Needs You!

Show Your PTSA Some Love & Help Earn the XOXO Award!

February is the perfect time to share the love—and what better way than supporting your PTSA? Help us earn the XOXO Award by joining our PTSA today. We need to recruit 14 new members during the month of February to qualify for this award. Students, Teachers, Parents, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Friends, and Community Members are all welcome to join our PTSA.

Already joined? We still need about 25 facility memberships! Please consider showing some love to your facility by donating a membership! To donate, add adult faculty membership (s) to your cart and put donation in the name and email fields.


Texas PTA Rally Day is Approaching!

Texas PTA Rally Day is Monday, February 24th and we want you there!

Rally Day is a day spent at the Capitol talking about Public Education and meeting with Legislators about supporting Public Education. We usually have a large contingent from LASA  and we’d love for you to join us! If you can’t make it, please consider donating to or joining our PTSA. We will be providing lunches to the students attending through the LASA PTSA legislative program and your membership helps amplify our voice when talking to legislators.

Join or donate: www.lasaptsa.org

The Austin Council of PTA’s has been preparing our communities for the 89th Texas Legislative session, where they debate big issues (like school funding, school security, accountability, support for our LGBTQ+ youth, etc).

More info: www.austincouncilpta.org/advocacy

If you are planning to attend, you email Sarah Romo de Vivar at president@lasaptsa.org so we can meet up.

LASA Reflections Artists make it to State!

We would like to recognize and congratulate the amazing LASA artists who have been promoted from the Austin Council PTA level to the Texas PTA Reflections level in this year’s Reflections Art Program. The theme this year was “Accepting imperfection”. We had some very respectable responses this year, and hope to grow this program larger next fall! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful competition. While all of our submissions were excellent, our artists who made it to State are:

Janani Easwar for High School Literature
Gargi Pandey for High School Visual Arts
Grant Ratcliffgardy for High School Photography
Vinson Ratcliffgardy for High School Film Production

Thanks to all participants for their hard work and we’ll see you at an upcoming ACPTA recognition event in February,
-Reflections Committee for LASA

Class of 2028 Leads in Membership….but for How Long?

The Class of 2028 is still holding the lead for most PTSA Student memberships, but The Class of 2027 is closing in. It’s a tight race! We are still accepting memberships for all students, parents, friends, and faculty!

Membership counts as of January 5th:

Class of 2028 – 56 Members
Class of 2027 – 49 Members
Class of 2026 – 38 Members
Class of 2025 – 32 Members

We still have about 40 faculty members who need memberships. If you would like to donate one, add an Adult Faculty membership into your cart and put Donation in the name and email fields.

Join the PTSA or donate a faculty membership today!

Faculty Memberships Still Needed

Thanks to everyone who donated memberships for our faculty! We were able to donate over 50 memberships. While we didn’t have enough to earn the Golden Apple Award, it’s been a nice surprise for our teachers as we head into finals week. We still have about 45 teachers and faculty who we’d love to have as a PTSA member. To donate, choose a faculty membership and put Donation in the name and email fields.

While you’re at it, we are still accepting membership for Parents, Students, and from the Community. We’d love for you to join!


Reflections 24-25 Accepting Imperfection

We would like to recognize and congratulate the amazing artists who participated and excelled in this year’s Reflections Art Program. The theme this year was Accepting imperfection and we had a decent response from LASA and hope to grow this program even larger next fall!!! Here are the LASA artists for this year who will be receiving awards at their upcoming recognition luncheon. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful part of LASA and ACPTA programs. Our fantastic artists are:

Vinson Ratcliffgardy
Janani Easwar
Sierra Kumar
Amelia Ratcliffgardy
Grant Ratcliffgardy
Vivian Prather
Sanvi Paranjape
Gargi Pandey
Tiernan O’Keefe

Thank you for all of your hard work, and we’ll see you at the recognition luncheon!

Reflections Committee for LASA

LASA PTSA Earns the Snappy Increase Award

Congrats to the LASA PTSA for earning the Texas PTA Snappy Increase Membership Award! This award is earned by achieving more than 100% of the previous year’s total membership by October 31st. We appreciate everyone joining and couldn’t have earned it without each and every one of our members. If you haven’t joined yet, it’s not too late to join our Award Winning PTSA!

We would love to earn the Texas PTA December Golden Apple Membership Award and need your help! The Golden Apple Award is earned when schools recruit 100% of their faculty as members. Can you help by donating a faculty membership today? Please use the LASA PTSA website, enter “Donation” in the name fields and enter donation@donation.org in the email field. We will give your donated memberships to one of our wonderful faculty members.

Join the LASA PTSA today!

Class of 2028 leads the way with PTSA Membership

Every year we look at our PTSA student members and see which class has the most memberships. As of October 31st, our current count is:

51 members – Class of 2028
37 members – Class of 2027
29 members – Class of 2025
27 members – Class of 2026

Student voices inform our conversation as equal members with an equal vote. That’s why you should add PTSA to your student leadership resume! You will gain experience in leadership, advocacy, public speaking, teamwork, event planning – all while improving your school.

We are still accepting student members! You can get something great on your resume AND show some class spirit. LASA PTSA values student membership so much, that we offer a discounted membership rate for our students through our website. Join us today (and have your parents join too)!


Reflections Deadline extension November 3rd

National PTA Reflections Program – “Accepting Imperfection”

National PTA’s Reflections program provides opportunities for students to explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.

Over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art each year in response to a student-selected theme. This year’s theme for the 2024-2025 program year is “Accepting Imperfection.” Students submit their completed works in one or more arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Multiple submissions are welcome!

Student submission details:

Visit the Reflections gallery to check out past year’s awarded entries: https://www.flickr.com/photos/121427226@N06/albums/