Support your Raptor Band | Tuesday, August 13 | 4-10pm

Spirit Night at P. Terry’s 2425 E. 7th street (this location only) on Tuesday, August 13th from 4pm-10pm.

Not sure what to do for dinner? Come enjoy dinner at P. Terrys and help support your Raptor Band! Sales from 4-10pm will benefit LASA Band students.

Show your LASA spirit and bring your family, friends, neighbors, and your appetite. We will see you there!!!

LOL Newsletter is now Raptor Report

The way we communicate with you is changing!

How is the Newsletter Changing?

  • Our name is changing from LOL (Lots of LASA) Newsletter to the Raptor Report!
  • You can access newsletter content any time on our website.
  • For content submitters – our weekly deadline is now Sundays at 11:59 pm (previously Saturdays).
  • Our newsletter is now accessible in all languages – from the newsletter, click to view the content in your browser to enable translation with Google Translate.