PFLASA in Action!

School hasn’t started but PFLASA (Parents and Friends of LASA) has been busy supporting LASA as we start a new school year. In July, PFLASA’s extraordinary volunteers coordinated two new student orientations for incoming LASA students. This including ordering, picking up and serving a pizza lunch. Thank you NSO volunteers!

On Tuesday, August 6th, the new to LASA teachers get to see the size of the district on a bus tour throughout AISD. Teachers get to have breakfast and ask questions of a parent panel in South Austin. Then there’s another stop in the afternoon for lunch and a chance to meet LASA Ambassadors in North Austin. This is one of the many events that we need a chair for next year to see the tradition continue.

And we have more events to come including the August 9th Teacher Move-In Help date. And New Parent Orientation on August 15th. But PFLASA needs your help to continue. Most importantly, we need a VP to start shadowing now!

Ellen Stewart-Klein, PFLASA President

NHS Sponsored Hours Opportunity

Teachers will be starting back soon which brings us to two sponsored hours opportunities for NHS members. You will find the details below.

LASA HS – August 8th & 16th

Come help LASA teachers and staff put the school together before the school year starts. Both days students can come from between 9am and 3pm to get however many hours they would like. Make sure to check in with Ms. Pettigrew and/or an officer in room 304 to get assigned to a teacher or staff member.

Blanton Elementary – August 7th – August 19th

Ms. Ruiz, Assistant Principal for Blanton Elementary, has requested our help in getting their school ready for the school year. The shifts are below and you will check in in the office. If you are planning on helping out please fill out this google form for Ms. Ruiz.

  • August 7th – 1-4pm
  • August 8th – 8am-12pm, 1-4pm
  • August 12th – 1-4pm
  • August 16th – 8am-12pm, 1-4pm
  • August 19th – 8am-12pm, 1-4pm

Support your Raptor Band | Tuesday, August 13 | 4-10pm

Spirit Night at P. Terry’s 2425 E. 7th street (this location only) on Tuesday, August 13th from 4pm-10pm.

Not sure what to do for dinner? Come enjoy dinner at P. Terrys and help support your Raptor Band! Sales from 4-10pm will benefit LASA Band students.

Show your LASA spirit and bring your family, friends, neighbors, and your appetite. We will see you there!!!

Upcoming important dates

A reminder of a few important dates:

  • August 6, 7, 13 & 14 | Check for times – TCBE (taking care of business early for returning students) get a chromebook, student ID, etc.
  • Thursday, August 15 | 6pm – New Parent Orientation
  • Monday, August 19 – Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon (more to come)
  • Tuesday August 20 – First day of school
  • Friday August 23 | 8:15am – First PFLASA meeting (location: PFLASA portable)

Subscribe to LASA’s calendar

First Raptor Report

Welcome to the first edition of our new Raptor Report. Technically it’s still July but PFLASA needs your help now!

First, PFLASA needs a Vice President. The VP shadows the President all year and becomes the President next school year. This organization will not exist without a dedicated team of volunteers. Please reach out to to learn more.

Second, you asked us to how to support LASA’s teachers and they answered: the Teachers want move-in help. At this time we are asking for parents to sign up and you can bring a LASA student but we do not want students to come independently. Please sign up here.

Finally, mark your calendars and watch the volunteer signup page for details the Welcome Back Teacher Luncheon. The luncheon will be Monday, August 19th (the day before school starts).

Ellen Stewart-Klein, PFLASA President

LOL Newsletter is now Raptor Report

The way we communicate with you is changing!

How is the Newsletter Changing?

  • Our name is changing from LOL (Lots of LASA) Newsletter to the Raptor Report!
  • You can access newsletter content any time on our website.
  • For content submitters – our weekly deadline is now Sundays at 11:59 pm (previously Saturdays).
  • Our newsletter is now accessible in all languages – from the newsletter, click to view the content in your browser to enable translation with Google Translate.