No meeting to recap this week but we are meeting Friday at 8:15am in the PFLASA Portable (next to the Tennis Courts). Come join us!
The next few months will get busier and busier for PFLASA. And after spring break is a mad rush into AP Testing & Breakfast, Coffeehouse, and celebrating with our Seniors at Senior Salute and Project Graduation. We will also need to prepare and vote for next year’s budget and elect a new board. So this is where I beg you to help us. Not just for these upcoming events which requires masses of volunteers but also to take over the various roles that PFLASA needs to function for next year.
Yes, we need volunteers for the Board which requires a two-year commitment. But we also have much smaller roles that are entirely virtual or only require a few hours total. We have shadow positions where you help and observe an event before running it. One example is that PFLASA needs its own webmaster. Our dedicated, long-time volunteer needs a well-deserved break. This job is entirely online and involves updating the website with new content. But we also have roles in recruiting, events, and community building. Yes, PFLASA needs money to accomplish its goals but one of things that makes PFLASA so effective with that money is the number of talented and dedicated volunteers. Every year parents “graduate” with their LASA student and we need to replace them. NOW is the time to find your role before the expertise walks out the door. Whatever your job, talent, or interest PFLASA has a role for you. Because the truth is that public schools need volunteers to function at their best. So email me now at (no commitment required).
Please help!
Ellen Stewart-Klein
PFLASA President