In case you think all PFLASA meetings are long, this one ran about 20 minutes. After which we heard from AP San Czaplinski. Since this meeting had a lighter agenda, I was able to have our Board members introduce themselves and welcome our new Vice President Anna Land. We are still looking for shadowing and help with various committees including Tutoring. Tutoring could use a shadow but also a parent who has time once or twice a month to check out how its going. Please email me for details. We had our Wellness Committee Chair update us on their new name “Raising Healthy Raptors” so that we can avoid confusion with the actual LASA Wellness Counselors. That update was posted to Facebook and went out through the Google Groups but we plan to start posting those in the Raptor Report. We had a quick mention that the FLASH Auction is still looking for tickets especially ACL and a quick status update on where the NHF was. The next meeting is 9/20 at 8:15 am in the portable and we will be collecting checks for NHF!