Did you know that approximately 15% of LASA is economically disadvantaged which means they qualify for free and reduced lunch? Thanks to support for the No Hassle Fundraiser, last year, PFLASA was able to subsidize all AP tests for these kids. PFLASA also made funds available for any other families who needed some help.
And I have no idea who they are because LASA administers this process so there is complete confidentiality. Bottom line, PFLASA is here to support students and families.
We hope your students are taking advantage of the PFLASA Study Groups which provides free tutoring to any LASA student who shows up. Those tutors are college kids often majoring in these subjects and vetted by the teachers. Maybe your student enjoys the Petting Zoo. As a Fall Stressbuster before finals, PFLASA brings in a host of adorable and interesting animals to bring joy to a group of stressed out students. Or perhaps your child has visited the Wellness Counselors for which PFLASA has provided staffing funds. And if none of the above apply to your student, PFLASA’s reach still touches them, like assisting Ms. Switek as she adds more books to the library, or providing classroom materials.
PFLASA is more than your typical or even active PTA. We work hard to support our teachers as 35% of our budget goes just to that. But we also support LASA with recruiting tools which is important for a magnet school particularly one that wants to be racially and economically diverse. We support your students. And we support the entire LASA community with social events like our mini-ACL fest called Coffeehouse. But we can’t do all this and more without funding. Please donate today to our No Hassle Fundraiser: https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=7HQP35LCPJ792